Could probiotics strengthen the immune response of people with COVID-19?

Help us find out!

The Provid-LD study seeks to assess if probiotics can help reduce the intensity of COVID symptoms and diminish the occurence of long-haul COVID.


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« With this study, we have the possibility of providing a different response to the pandemic […] by intervening directly on the microbiota of the person that is sick. »

— Dr. Jean-Charles Pasquier, Principal Investigator.

The Provid-LD study explained.


What we know at present…

COVID-19 symptoms are not only respiratory but equally digestive. Proof has been established that probiotics are indeed efficient in treating certain pulmonary and digestive infections. Further, probiotics are inexpensive and cause few side effects - therefore we think it urgent to test the efficiency of probiotics against COVID-19 and its very real long-term consequences!


Our team

The Provid-LD study is lead by Dr. Jean-Charles Pasquier, senior clinician-researcher, in a collaborative effort between Université de Sherbrooke and Université Laval. This study is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.



What is a clinical trial? What is a probiotic? If i participate, should I be worried about side effects? Will I receive compensation?